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Southern Tier Sangha

“Sangha” commonly refers to a group of meditators who inspire and assist one another on their spiritual journeys.


The benefits of meditation are many and are viewed differently by different practitioners. For some, meditation helps reduce stress and increase serenity and contentment. For others, it might assist in overcoming emotional disturbances and finding the "space" to be patient and relate to others more skillfully. Some meditate to explore the nature of self and one's inherent qualities of wisdom and compassion. Group practice deepens and strengthens one’s day-to-day personal practice. 


Many of us in the Southern Tier Sangha are Buddhists from a variety of lineages, including various Soto Zen and Tibetan traditions. We view this diversity of lineages and practices as a strength and strive to learn from and support each other’s practice.


We respect and support everyone’s unique personal journeys. The benefits of meditation are not limited to any one group, so there is no requirement or expectation that one become a Buddhist. Likewise, we welcome and include people who follow different spiritual paths; many of our practitioners maintain their connection to other religions and traditions. If you feel you may benefit from our community and our practices, we welcome your participation in the Sangha.


All are welcome to our weekly meditation sessions and special events. If you are interested in learning more about us and/or joining the Southern Tier Sangha, speak to a sangha member or email us.

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Noontime meditation

Weekend retreat with visiting 3 Doors teacher, Marcy Vaughn

June 2018 Sangha Retreat

Retreat at OMC with Shyalpa Tenzin Rinpoche, June 2018

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The shrine in our meditation room

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